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Caring Hearts,
Healing Hands.

Compassionate, Creative, Committed.

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Clinic Hours

Monday – Friday
8 am – 5.00 pm

By Appointment Only

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Clinical Anaplastology

The practice of blending art, science, and technology to restore a malformed or missing part of the body through artificial means. By combining technical, medical and artistic skills, with patience and compassion, we can create custom-made lifelike prostheses that fit the needs to each patient.
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The Road To Restoration

Your recovery demands a team where communication and cooperation are essential to deliver a successful treatment experience. We apply our skllls in clinical science, fine arts, color theory and sculpture. Virtual simulations & 3D printing to plan, fabricate, & deliver a custom lifelike prosthesis.
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A Life Made Whole

We strive to restore function, aesthetics and also self esteem and quality of life. The patient clinician relationship is of upmost importance. By listening, communicating, we create a relaxed environment so your treatment will help you on your journey through rehabilitation of body, mind and spirit.

What is An Anaplastologist?

Anaplastology is defined as the art and science of restoring a malformed or absent part of the human body through artificial means.  There are many challenges when treating patients with craniofacial anomalies, post-traumatic injuries, and post-surgical resections. 

State-of-the-art facial prostheses utilize implant retention, where titanium implants are anchored into the bone and the removable silicone prosthesis is connected using a bar and clip or magnet system.  The final silicone facial prostheses are custom created to mimic the contour, form, and color of the missing anatomy.  

about suzanne
[ uhd - vaanst]
•ahead or far or further along in progress, complexity, knowledge, skill, etc..
• pertaining to or embodying ideas, practices, attitudes, etc..
• taken as being more enlightened or liberal than the standardized,
established, or traditional.
[ pros - theh - tuhk ]
• of or relating to an artificial body part or prosthesis.
•of or relating to the fields of surgical or dental prosthetics.
• of or relating to a substance, item, or process used to .
• transform a person’s appearance temporarily, especially as a theatrical special effect.
[ res – tuh – rey – shun ]
• the act of restoring; renewal, revival, or reestablishment.
• the state or fact of being restored.
• a return of something to a former, original, normal, or unimpaired condition.
• restitution of something taken away or lost.
• something that is restored, as by renovating.

The Art of Restoration


Anaplastology is the art and science of restoring a malformed or absent part of the human body through artificial means.  We collaborate with the medical and dental community as a part of a team of specialists providing patients with a successful prosthetic restoration and a positive treatment experience.

You Benefit Because

An auricular (ear) prosthesis is a reconstructive option for those patients who were either bone with microtia (malformed external ear), or for those patient who have experienced a traumatic injury or had the surgical removal of a portion of, or all of their ear due to cancer (auriculectomy).  The silicone prosthesis is custom made to match the shape, size and color of the other ear. The prosthetic ear is medically necessary and functional as it will help provide symmetry to the face and support eye glasses and hearing aids.

A nasal prosthesis is a removable device created to restore previous nasal appearance for patient who have lost a portion of, or all of their nose due to a traumatic injury or due to the surgical removal of their nose (rhinectomy.) 

Patients who have lost their eye and the surrounding bone and soft tissue structures due to traumatic injury or surgical resection (orbital exenteration) can benefit from an orbital prosthesis.  This removable device is made with an acrylic eyeball (ocular) housed inside a silicone form that is fabricated to recreate the lids and surrounding tissues.  

A midface prosthesis may incorporate more than one facial feature, such as a nasal with cheeks, or nasal, cheeks and orbit. 

A custom tracheostomy housing is a device that can been created from an impression of the patient’s unique irregular skin contours surrounding their tracheostoma defect and speech appliance.  These devices would be created in coordination with your speech pathologist.

We work with medical and dental professionals to provide pre-surgical planning for bone anchored implant planning using computer assisted navigational surgery technology. When using our novel method, all of the planning is accomplished digitally using a recent CT scan and specialized technology.

The Art of Restoration


Auricular Prosthesis (ear)

An Auricular prosthesis is a custom-made silicone removable device restoring a patient’s ear that is missing due to cancer, trauma or birth defect.  The ear prosthesis is created to look life-like, mimicking the shape of your opposing ear, including skin characteristics of veins, age spots, and freckles.

Nasal Prosthesis

Patient’s who have lost their nose, or a portion of their nose may consider a non-surgical nasal prosthesis. It’s a custom made removable silicone device crafted to match color and texture the nose and surrounding skin lost as a result of surgery (rhinectomy) or trauma.  


Orbital Prosthesis

A custom orbital prosthesis is a realistic appearing, removable, silicone device that restores a patient’s eye, lids and surrounding tissue lost as a result of surgery, trauma, or birth defect.  The life-like device is created to mimic the form, color, texture and translucency of your skin to look natural. 


Facial Prosthesis

A midfacial, or hemifacial prosthesis can restore anatomy, function and self-confidence to patients who have lost a significant portion of their face from trauma, surgery, or birth defect.  The prosthesis helps restore a life-like appearance and may include combinations of the nose, orbit, cheek, forehead and upper lip.  


Somato Prosthetis

Finger or digital prostheses artificially restore a portion or all of an absent finger, toe or portion of the foot. Custom made for each patient we take great care to all details of color, shape, texture and fit. The prosthesis may also protect the sensitive tip of the finger or toe from trauma and extreme temperatures.